New horizon on community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcusaureus (CA-MRSA) skin and soft tissue infection: nanotechnologyantimicrobial spray
KA Wan温光安,MY Ng吴美兒,YT Wong王友德
The prevalence of methicillin-resistant Stapbylococcus aureus(MRSA) in community and hospital is increasing.The development of drug resistance may be attributed to the extensive use of antibiotics. Nanotechnologyantimicrobial spray(NTAS), a physical antibacterial agent, is an alternative to antibiotic treatment on woundmanagement.We report a case of MRSA associated skin abscess using NTAS in the wound management.NTAS possesses potent, broad spectrum antibacterial effect while carrying no risk of resistance and minimaladverse effect.Moreover, NTAS facilitates home wound management, thus reducing dependency on publichealth resources.Further studies are indicated to explore the clinical role of NTAS in an attempt to reducethe use of antibiotics. (Hong Kong;18:432-436)
Keywords: Abscess, antibacterial agents, drug resistance,wound infection闟键词∶猥臛﹑抗菌剖﹑抗藁性﹑倡口威染
New horizon on community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(CA.pdf
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